Facebook Posts

July 11th

You know you go to the hospital a lot when you go somewhere other than the hospital and they ask for your name and you respond with your last name and that’s it…. ay yi yi lol

July 10th

A little sense of normalcy today. Pedicure time! I haven’t been allowed to have one yet this year and so it’s been about a year since I’ve been able to indulge in this fun little treat. #treatyourself  #pedicure  #lifeafterchemo  #indulge  #goodtofeelalittlenormalagain


July 8th

Today was a special day, 1 year ago today Nick proposed to me in Steamboat Springs. We began to think about what the next year would be like planning our wedding and getting married. Needless to say, our last year has not been anything like we thought it would be.
This last year we got engaged, set a wedding date, said goodbye to our best friend Rocky as he crossed the rainbow bridge, received my diagnosis of cancer, cancelled our wedding, got married and yet still found time to have fun and laugh a lot.
It’s been a crazy year since our engagement but there is no one else I’d rather have by my side. He has stepped up in ways I never imagined he’d need to. He has stood by me and watched me at some of my hardest and worst times. I’m so thankful he asked me a year ago to marry him.#oneyearengagementanniversary #ayearcanchangesomuch #happy #thankful #blessed #enjoyallthemoments

July 7th

1st picture is a selfie just because I can. 2nd is a picture focusing on a few things… the fact that I have some hairs growing in! Look at that growth!
However, oddly enough, my eyebrows continue to diminish and my eye lashes are definitely less than I had before, especially on the bottom. I actually have mascara on and used a curler and you can’t tell, but all I can do is laugh.
One eye only has half it’s lashes on the top so it looks quite hilarious, and both my bottom lashes have a total of 5 lashes. It’s crazy that you can still experience chemo effects weeks to months later.
Oh well… such is life. Happy Friday night! #chemoeffects #lifeafterchemo #breastcancer #triplepositive #eyelashlove #peachfuzzhead #selfie #laughteristhebestmedicine

July 7th

Its flashback Friday on social media, or so I hear, so…. Feeling a little reflective today, I am thinking back to the weekend that was supposed to be a bachelorette party but quickly turned to a pre-chemo party. It was almost six months ago, one day after a port was placed in my chest and one day after one of my best friends married my husband and I with two of our other best friends as witnesses at lookout mountain. .
I love that at most of the cabins you rent they leave a journal for you to leave a piece of your experience behind for others to read; which is what Reegan did for all of us to capture the emotionally filled weekend. .
This weekend was also one week before I started chemo and now I’m three weeks post op from my mastectomy, and it’s crazy how fast the time has gone. It’s crazy how much has changed and how different my thought process is about everything. Not that you didn’t know this, but having cancer changes a lot. .
Either way, when I finally finish this journey I will be coming out stronger and with different hair and even different breasts (silver linings people). Here’s to the rest of the journey and more lessons to be learned. #happyfriday #fbf #estespark #mountaingetaway #latergram #reflection #breastcancer #triplepositive #cancerlife

July 1st

Time for a road trip to the mountains for a few days. Need a change of scenery. And luckily I have a fabulous little pillow that keeps my 16 day post op chest comfortable, and of course a Starbucks. #cabinfever #lovelivingsoclosetothemountains #mastectomyrecovery #starbucks #roadtrip

It’s right about this time that I start to get stupid excited about my favorite time of year. And… since these days I am finding countdowns to things super exciting, we are about 88 days before I head home for Oktoberfest!! And this year is even more special because I’ll be bringing an Oktoberfest virgin to the festivities this year and he will soon learn to love it as much as the rest of us do. Here’s to my favorite countdown! 88 days until Oktoberfest! Tad, I hope you spend the next 88 days preparing yourself lol.

June 28th

No, this is not an attractive photo but it is the real photo of a woman who just made the FedEx man very uncomfortable. I had to make him bring a package in our house because it weighed more than 10lbs and I just can’t handle that currently. He could barely look at me and my wonderful outfit choice lol. He left the house as fast as possible lol.
I am also posting this photo because before cancer I used to be embarrassed leaving the house without makeup or my hair being done as perfect as possible, but now I’m sharing a photo with no makeup, very little hair and a horrible wardrobe choice lol.
Being bald has given me a confidence that was unexpected and that I’ve never had before. I actually kind of enjoy being bald, it cuts time in half for getting ready and the windows being down in the car is amazing.
People stare at me, a lot, these days but it’s okay. I don’t mind. I don’t know what they’re thinking and I don’t care, and that poor FedEx man… I just laugh and can only imagine what he’s thinking. This is really just another post about reminding people to just be who you are and find the humor in everything.
I couldn’t help but share my little moment and share a photo that I would’ve never thought of sharing in the past because I wasn’t wearing makeup or in an actual outfit. Have a wonderful Wednesday! #happyhumpday #doyou #breastcancer #baldy #mastectomyrecovery #nohairdontcare #itsthelittlethings #cancerwarrior #nomakeup #outfitoftheday #lifewithcancer

June 20th

“You don’t know how strong your are until you have to be.”

“Cry when you need to, but smile more then you cry!” – Quoted by Reegen L. Jensen-Shafer

June 18th

Happy to be able to do my own update this morning 😊 I’m sitting on our porch with some coffee and feeling pretty good. I finally got to go home last night and I have minimal pain, the pain meds are definitely helping. I’m also moving around a bit while also resting a lot.

Thanks for all the well wishes, I’ve been read all of them and appreciate them so much. I’m still mostly staying off my phone but wanted to provide my own little update. Have a great Saturday! #happysaturday #mastectomy #breastcancer #triplepositive #lovemysupport system

And special thanks to all my caregivers this weekend and to Reegan for keeping up on all the updates.

June 17th

Amber Rodriguez is home!! – Reegen L. Jensen-Shafer

June 16th

Update: Amber is still at the hospital. Her pain level has been around an 8 or higher most of the day. We should know soon if she will go home today or spend one more night. Thanks for all of the calls, texts, well wishes, and Prayers!

UPDATE: they will be keeping her another night due to her getting dizzy when she stands up. They are giving her more fluids and monitoring her blood pressure because it drops when she stands up. – Reegen L. Jensen-Shafer

June 15th

The last surgeon just came in all surgeries are complete everything is good she will be in recovery for a while still before we will see her!  – Reegen L. Jensen-Shafer (5:02pm)

Amber Rodriguez has been taken back for surgery! – Reegen L. Jensen-Shafer (10:02am)

We are here. All checked in. One of her “minor” procedures is done. A wire has been placed in lymphoid that has the cancer. She is now waiting for to be taken to surgery. Amber Rodriguez (Brand) appreciates all of your messages, comments, Prayers, and thoughts. She is a fighter and this is just one more step in her journey of kicking cancers ass! #FightLikeAGirl #CancerSucks #AmbersCheerleaders – Reegen L. Jensen-Shafer (8:24am)

June 14th

Amber’s Boob Voyage was a success. Nipple cupcakes and all. Big thanks to the tipsy stranger who made sure all of us were visible. We are all wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. ❤️ – Sarah Catherine

Do more things that make you forget to check your phone. – Posted by Amber – Unattributed

Saying good bye to Amber Rodriguez ta tas with boob cupcakes made by me! – Kim Jensen

June 10th

Ending our evening with some drinks at our hotel, a sunset and the mountains. Perfect ending to our amazing weekend. #mountainviews #saturdaynight #telluride

This weekend has been amazing and has been about so much. Cheers to us and cheers to ending chemo! On to the next step of our journey together.#cheers #reflection #minihoneymoon #endofchemo #telluride

So excited! While driving to our morning excursion we had to stop for a baby bear cub crossing the road! He/she was adorable!

June 9th

Finishing dinner at a restaurant with one of the best meals we’ve eaten. The steak, by far, was the best either one of us has ever had. This little vaca has been amazing so far and such great food.

June 8th

Fyi: just because your hotel says they’re in Telluride, and the address says Telluride, this does not mean they are actually in the city of Telluride. I did an awesome job and booked us just outside of Telluride, so gondola rides here we come … At least the hotel is nice, but next time I will be a little smarter.

June 6th

Coffee Drinkers: Do you remember when you first started drinking coffee and the caffeine rush you would get? After four months of not drinking coffee and having a cup with three shots in it this morning, I am on fire! I’m all hyped up and talking real fast… it’s amazing, not for my co-workers or boss but I’m loving it Have a great Tuesday everyone!

May 29th

It’s the small things like rediscovering the taste of fruit and veggies and realizing how good they taste and how much I’ve missed them that make me realize how much I used to take advantage of. #itsthesmallthings

May 27th

Today is an exciting day for me, I’m finally getting to drink coffee again! Yes!

May 19th

Super excited to get my hands on a few bottles of Clearly Canadian today!! I’ve been craving this stuff for years! Plus it’s the first water that has been tasting good in days!!! #clearlycanadian  #imissthe90s  #superexcited #thisismakingmyfridaybearable

May 15th

Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness, yet become something beautiful. – Beau Taplin

May 11th

Received a gorgeous bouquet of flowers today to celebrate my final chemo treatment. #lovemyfriends

May 10th

While driving to chemo Fight Song by Rachel Platton came on and I couldn’t help thinking that it was the perfect song for today. Today I am at my 6th and final chemo treatment!! I couldn’t be more happy to be done with this step and move forward. Thank you to everyone for the constant positive thoughts and energy and everything. #finalchemo #treatment6 #breastcancer #triplepositive #chemosucks #fuckcancer #herestothenextsteps

May 9th

When it’s crazy hair day at work and you have no hair… You come to work with a sweet wig. #crazyhair #baldy #partycitywig #wigsarehotanditchy

April 20th

Flowers delivered to me from a co-worker today in celebration of finishing my 5th treatment and only having one left. I have some amazing support. And setting them next to this amazing quote/gift is the best place for them to be. #flowers #strength #supportsystem #chemo

April 19th

All set up for chemo #5! This is 5 out of 6, so we are so close to being done with this step. We have a room with a great view outside and we are settled for our day. Happy Hump Day everyone! #breastcancer #triplepositive #chemoday #kickincancersass #baldy #almostdone

March 30th

The scars you share become lighthouses for people who are headed for the same rocks you hit. – Unattributed

March 29th

Happy Humpday! Today we are kicking cancers ass with the 4th Treatment! Only 2 left after today, so we are super close to being done. I’m also rocking my fck cancer shirt, love it! Have a great day! #breastcancer #triplepositive #fuckcancer #kickincancersass

March 24th

Normally I’ve been rocking the beanie, but with a little encouragement from the hubby and some amazing friends… I rocked the bald head for the first time in public today at work. #baldisbeautiful #baldy #breastcancer #facesofcancer #happyfriday

March 20th

In everything there is a lesson. Good or bad the situation, there is always something to be learned. – Amber

March 18th

After over a week of being cooped up in the house, I finally got out. It was a gorgeous day today and we just hung out at a park and relaxed. #saturdayfun #wasfeelinglikeahermit

Sometimes it’s better to leave your phone on silent so you can get a voice-mail (at 3am 😘😜)that you can listen to whenever things get a little tough. Thanks to those that called, I know there was Reegan and Nick and I have some guesses at the others but I won’t tag you all. Thank you! Love you all!

March 8th

Another day of fighting cancer. This is round three, we are half way through chemo when this day is complete! It’s an “exciting” moment where a countdown has a little more light at the end of the tunnel. Happy hump day everyone! #kickincancersass #halfwaythrough #silverlinings #smallwins #facesofcancer

February 16th

The final product. Time to learn how to embrace the phrase #baldisbeautiful. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and it is a little cooler. #fightlikeagirl

This is my beautiful daughter, Amber Brand Rodriguez after shaving her head due to chemo treatments for breast cancer. She’s kicking cancer`s ass and looking hot doing it! So proud of you sweetheart!

The smile on your face even after having to shave you head is a true testament of how you are fighting cancer! You inspire me to be a better me! I love you! Amber Brand bald is beautiful! – Reegan L. Jensen-Shafer


The side of my little Mohawk. It wasn’t as big as we were hoping for since I lost so much beforehand, but how often do you get to have a Mohawk as a girl?! #havingfunwithit #mohawk

February 15th

All hooked up and kicking ass on treatment day 2! #fightlikeagirl #kickincancersass #chemo

January 27th

Pic from earlier as I was heading home from the end of my first treatment. At home resting and taking it easy, trying to get some rest. Thanks for all the support and kind words today, they helped immensely. #latergram #kickincancersass

All settled in on our first day of chemo. It’s going to be a long day but I have an awesome blanket from my mother in law, a view of the mountains behind the hubby’s head and a book to read. #chemoday1 #cancersucks #atleasttheresaview #makingbreastcancermybitch

My heart is with you today. I know you got this and I KNOW you’re the strongest, most courageous, and well loved woman I’ve ever had the honor of knowing and loving… but there’s no such thing as too much love❤ – Carrie McCloud

January 25th

Sometimes change is good, you just have to look real hard to find it. Some may see this as just a short hair cut, I see it as the next step to my journey this year. #shorthair #changeisgood #longjourneyahead #determined#positivity

January 24th

One of the strongest women I know!! You are gonna kick cancers ass hun!! I am so inspired by your strength through this and I am here whenever you need to talk.. To cry… To vent… To catch up! Anytime of the day!! I am so happy that you have Nick by your side,along with family and friends.. You will never fight this alone!! I love you so much and will always be here for you!! 💓💓💓💓💓💓- Nicole Elizabeth

Amber, from what I know you are an amazing woman. I had a blast with you at the wedding and the gift opening! You’re an amazing woman that will get through this thing called cancer. It is such a disgusting thing that I know you will overcome!! Keep you head up and stay strong pretty lady❤️#cancersucks – Della Rhose Johnson

Please keep our dear friend in your thoughts and prayers! It’s been a whirlwind of a few weeks but I know she will beat this!
It was an honor standing by your side last Thursday and I can’t wait to do it when all this is over! Love you to the moon and back! – Nick Jensen – Shafer

January 24th

The first month of 2017 isn’t exactly what we thought it would be. And since there’s never a good way to say what I am saying, I’ll just say it. On January 6th I was diagnosed with breast cancer and on January 11th we learned it was stage two and what the rest of our year will look like. After meeting with my team of amazing oncologists, we learned that I will be receiving chemotherapy, going through a mastectomy and then also receiving radiation.

Due to my diagnosis and our aggressive approach, Nick and I have also decided to postpone our wedding day and celebration for when my treatment is complete and when we can also celebrate me being cancer free. However, Nick and I did decide to still get married so we could be husband and wife through this journey. On January 19th, we were fortunate enough to have Reegan marry us with Nick and Tad as our witnesses.

As this mug says, I plan on making this cancer my bitch and still have a great 2017 despite the bumpy road we may have in front of us. I have to give a special shout out on this mug as it was created by my favorite Etsy shop owner when I wanted something to show my humor and positive spin on this difficult turn of events. She also helped create the idea of having a motivational quote on the back to keep me fighting every day. Her link is in my comments because she is amazing and I appreciate this mug more than she or anyone else knows.

Over the last few weeks as we have slowly been telling people the news and the outpouring of support has been amazing. We are so extremely fortunate to have such an amazing support group of cheerleaders by both our sides.